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4 Keys to Cultivate Abundance Thinking

“We are addicted to our thoughts.  We cannot change anything if we cannot change our thinking.” ~Santosh Kalwar

Change your mindset and you can change your whole life.

If you’re always focused on problems vs. solutions and think the outcome of your life is based on the cards dealt to you, you’ll never get anywhere.

The outcome of your life isn’t based on the circumstances that happen to you.  It’s based on your heart and thinking towards those circumstances.

So how do you change the way you think?

Let’s talk four keys to cultivate abundance thinking.

4 Keys to Cultivate Abundance Thinking

Be Solution-Focused

You have to be solution-focused as opposed to problem-focused.

Problems are a given.  There’s no escaping them.

It’s your attitude towards problems that is the game-changer.

You can learn a lot about people by observing how they cope with problems.

When my former employer announced they were laying off 500+ employees, including nearly everyone in my building, I paid attention to how various people reacted to the news.

Initially, many people were shocked and upset, which is a given considering the situation.

But as the weeks rolled on toward the lay-off date, there were some people who held negative attitudes ‘til the very end.

They couldn’t see past the problem-getting laid off-and wasted time inhabiting the role of the victim while they could have been looking for a new job.  Instead of seeing the opportunity that the lay-off brought, they just saw the problem-getting laid-off.

You have to see past the problem and ask yourself abundance mindset-thinking questions.  What opportunities does this problem make possible?  How would you like to see this situation resolved?  What is the first step you need to take toward resolution?

These are questions I asked myself while so many others were busy playing the victim. Now, I work from home in a peaceful environment-something I’ve always wanted to do-and I’ve never been more fulfilled by my career.

This is just one of many things I’ve personally gained as a result of abundance-mindset thinking.


Take Responsibility & Take Action

People who have an abundance mindset take responsibility for their own life instead of playing the role of the victim.

They take action and live with intention while others just let life happen to them.

Those with the victim mentality make excuses as to why they’re not doing better in life, while those with an abundance mindset are making things happen in theirs.

Regardless of what’s happened to you, it’s up to you to take charge of your life.

Take action.

Again, everyone has problems and set-backs.

It’s your attitude that determines the outcome, not the circumstances.


An Ability to Create Wealth

A financial setback won’t stop someone living in abundance from creating wealth.

In fact, they see setbacks as an opportunity to create wealth, not a road-block to creating wealth.

If you’re not making as much money as you’d like, what strongholds in your mind are preventing you from doing so?

Do you need to switch jobs or change careers?  Is there a skill you need to learn? Do you have a talent you’re not tapping into?

How much money you make is completely up to you and your ability to create wealth.

Over the last few years between my former job I was laid off from and the full-time job I have now, I attracted opportunities to create wealth by:

  • Studying digital marketing, and now help my friend with her digital marketing business.
  • Freelance writing for clients.
  • Taking courses on blogging and starting this website, and now I make commissions from referring products I use to others.
  • Selling old clothes on Poshmark.
  • Etc.

Because I created these extra opportunities to create wealth, my bills are mostly paid from my “side hustles” and my income from my primary full-time job goes to monthly expenses and savings.  Four years ago when I was at my former job, this wasn’t possible because at the time I was still stuck in my old way of thinking.


Cultivate High-Achieving Habits

While others spend hours a day watching Netflix, sleeping in and overeating, those who live in abundance have intentional habits that stretch and grow them.

There’s a time and a place for little indulgences, but making a routine of habits that don’t serve you will hinder your abilities to 10x your results.

Some of the best habits you can implement into your daily routine include the following:

Exercise-Getting even as little as 20 minutes of exercise a day is impactful.  The increase in blood flow is beneficial for your brain.  You’ll have more energy and clearer thinking.  Exercise increases the quality of your life and is one of the best habits you can cultivate.  Even if it’s just taking a quick walk, implement exercise into your daily routine.

Eat Well-Along with physical activity, you also need to eat well to boost brain activity and maximize your thinking.  Eat nutritious foods that make you feel good all day as opposed to the crash-and-burn of guilty pleasures.

Consuming Quality Input-Abundance-mindset thinkers regularly consume quality content and keep the Netflix and social media to a minimum.


Before You Go

Bottom line is this: If you want to see change, you have to change your thinking.

In what ways have you changed your thinking to cultivate success in your life?

Let me know in the comments below.

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Hi! I'm Lisa. I help women live purposeful, fulfilling and joyful lives. I'm happily married and a fur mom to two boxers and two rabbits. I love Jesus, freelance writing, fitness, personal development, reading books, football, cross-stitching, and video games.

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