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How to Be Persistent in Achieving Your Goals

Do you ever feel like you’re just spinning your wheels and not accomplishing anything?

Maybe it even feels like you’re regressing instead of progressing.

When you’re working to achieve big things, you have to be on your A-game and have awareness of the actions you’re taking daily, as well as having awareness of your thoughts.

Are the actions you take daily leading you toward your goals, or away from them?  What about your thoughts?  Are they aligned with your goals?

There are four things that may be keeping you from being persistent in achieving your goals.

Let’s talk how to be persistent in achieving your goals.

How to Be Persistent in Achieving Your Goals

Decisions > Emotions

“Commitment is doing the thing you said you’d do long after the mood you said it in has left you.”

Your decisions must always override your emotions.

Talk to any successful person, and chances are, very few of them likely enjoy doing the things that are uncomfortable, demanding, or scary.

But they do them anyway.

We all love to use the excuse, “I’m not in the mood to do xyz right now.”

We allow our emotions to control our decisions.

And that’s what prevents us from seeing our dreams and goals achieved.

Commit to something and then do it.

Even if you don’t feel like it.

One of my biggest struggles has always been thinking I am owed a reward because I had a long day of work.

Sure, there’s nothing wrong with rewarding yourself here and there.

But there is something wrong with “rewarding” myself with wine and a carb coma just because I had a long, stressful day of work.

It might seem harmless enough, but every bad habit or bad decision we make impacts our goals, whether we see it on the surface or not.

I constantly have to work at overriding the belief I am owed a reward for making it through the work day, and allow the discomfort of not getting what I want.

As Joyce Meyer says, “Don’t let your feelings vote.”


Keep Your Eyes on the Prize

“Your discipline drives you to your dreams.” ~Terri Savelle Foy

Software engineer, Brian Acton, spent 12 years at Yahoo! before applying to work at Twitter and Facebook, both of whom rejected him.

He went on to create WhatsApp.  Five years later, he sold that app to Facebook for reportedly 19 billion dollars.

Facebook-the company who rejected him-bought his product.

The point of this story is, stay focused, and don’t give up.

We all fail or face rejection at one point or another, but that doesn’t mean your dream should die.

No matter what you encounter along the journey, don’t stop until you get there.

Don’t let failure, disappointment or setbacks deter you from your dreams.

It’s the people who are determined, driven, and disciplined that succeed in life.

It’s reported that 90% of all first-time businesses fail.  90% of all second-time businesses succeed; However, 80% of people who had a failed first business never try again!

Don’t be the 80%.


Schedule Smarter

“Don’t prioritize your schedule; schedule your priorities.” ~Stephen Covey

Spend 10 minutes before you go to bed every night planning out your next day.

Or, even better, spend 30 minutes Sunday evening planning out your next week.

Schedule out everything with a block of time and what tasks you intend to do during that block of time.

Then, stick to it.

Do not allow yourself to get pulled into anything not on your schedule!  Unless it’s an absolute emergency.

As a rule of thumb, I’ve gotten away from prioritizing anything that is not actively serving my goals.

Don’t let the needs or requests of others interfere with your goals.

Another smart move with scheduling is to schedule all your errands on the same day when possible.

My husband and I are a good 30 minutes away from most places we need to go.  I schedule all my running around on the same day, when I’m already out that way to begin with.

This way, I’m not making extra trips and wasting time.

Commit to a plan of scheduling priorities that serve your goals, stick to it, and you’ll eliminate excuses and succeed on purpose.


Hone in on Your Habits

“The secret of your future is hidden in your daily routine.” ~Mike Murdock

If you’ve been with me for any length of time, you know this is one of my favorite quotes regarding personal growth.

This is because I believe changing your daily habits is the most powerful change you can make to your life.

When you change even one thing you do daily, it compounds over time.

You may not see change overnight when you start working out every day or read a chapter a day, but in due time, you will reap the positive results of the good habits you implement into your daily routine.

John Maxwell is one of my favorite authors in the personal development niche.  He uses this analogy of swinging an ax at a tree to illustrate this point:

“Picture a tree in your backyard that needs to be cut down.  If you grab an ax and take five good swings at the tree each day, eventually you will chop it down.  It may take a month to fell a small tree, while a big tree may take years to topple over.  The size of the tree isn’t the issue; the real question is whether or not you diligently take five swings at it every day.”

Stick to your habits, even when it feels like little progress is being made.

Good habits compound over time.


Before You Go

“Success is the sum of small efforts repeated day in and day out.” ~Robert Collier

Whatever you do, don’t give up, and keep going!

How are you persistent with your goals?  What do you do when you’re feeling discouraged, disappointed and defeated to keep moving forward?

Let me know in the comments below!

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Hi! I'm Lisa. I help women live purposeful, fulfilling and joyful lives. I'm happily married and a fur mom to two boxers and two rabbits. I love Jesus, freelance writing, fitness, personal development, reading books, football, cross-stitching, and video games.

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