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3 Money Mindset Habits that Increase Your Abundance

Have you ever noticed the stigma against women who talk about money?

When men talk about money, it’s always with bravado and confidence.  But if a woman does the same, she’s often seen as greedy, superficial, or self-centered.

Why are women judged for talking about money, but men aren’t?

This isn’t the topic of this article, but this money taboo negatively informs a lot of women’s mindsets about money.  It’s no wonder so many of us have scarcity mindsets about money!

It’s ok to talk about money.  To talk about your money, with a positive attitude. And…it’s ok to *gasp* love your money and have a healthy relationship with it.

You can believe whatever you want to believe about money, but until you get clean in your money mindset, you’ll always struggle with money in some way or another.

Let’s talk three money mindset habits that increase your abundance.

3 Money Mindset Habits that Increase Your Abundance

Expect to Attract Money 

Ultimately, how you see yourself is what you will create-and that goes for the money you create, too.

You don’t get what you want-you get what you expect.

If you base your ability to create money on what’s happened in the past, you’ll create more of the same.

So often with poor money mindsets people believe, “This is the way it’s always been, so it’s just always going to be this way.  I’m always going to struggle with money.”  But this is only true if you believe it to be so.

You tell your brain what to look for, and it will confirm your beliefs.

I can give you a personal example of this.  Most of my adult life, I’ve always had one full-time job.  I believed my maximum capacity to create money was based on whatever my salary was, end of story.

The former version of myself felt this was acceptable-I always paid my bills, never had debt, and could splurge if I wanted.

But as I spent more time studying money mindset, I realized how limiting this belief was.  I’d put a cap on how much money I had the capacity to make.

So, I started to expect money-making opportunities to come to me-and that’s exactly what happened.

A few years ago, my former employer had a massive lay-off that included almost everyone in my building.  While I had my husband and a hefty severance to fall back on, I struggled to get anything going career-wise.  It was when I got clean with my money mindset and expected money-making opportunities to come to me that they literally came out of the woodworks.

Now, I not only have a full-time job working from home that I love, but so many “side hustles” that allow me to create extra money without working 60+ hours a week.  And I don’t do any of this because I feel I have to make money or that I’m going to run out of money-I do it because it’s fun.

I blew the cap off my money mindset limits by working smarter, not harder.

When you get to the place where making money is fun, you’ve struck gold (no pun intended) in your money mindset because creating money will come easy and you’ll realize there is always enough money available for you and for everyone.


Speak Positively About Your Money

Many of us have been programmed for years to say things like, “I can’t afford that,” “I don’t have enough money,” “I didn’t make as much money this year as I wanted to,” “I’ll never get out of debt,” etc.

Instead of making these statements about your money, speak kindly about your money.  Make positive statements such as, “I’m so grateful for what I have,” even if it’s $10.

In a sense, you have a relationship with your money, and it is either a relationship of scarcity or abundance.  Many people, whether they have $100 or $1 million believe there’s never enough money or are scared they will run out of money.

But the abundance to attract money is in you.  You must make it a habit to speak kindly of your money.

Some positive statements you can use are:

  • I attract money-making opportunities.
  • The abundance to attract money is in me.
  • There’s always enough money-for me and for everyone else.
  • Money is always available to me.


Take Care of Your Money

When you have a clean mindset about money, you’ll start to take care of it, too.

There are many ways to take care of your money, including the more obvious ways, such as investing in your 401K.  But there are other ways to take care of your money you may not have noticed.

For instance, what do you do with your spare change?  Is it stuck at the bottom of your purse or on the floorboard of your car?

It may be a quarter here and a dime there, but it adds up.  I remember when I was a kid, my grandpa would save all his change in a jar and give me the jar when it was full.  I would then count the money up and couldn’t believe how much was in the jar.

Since my husband and I don’t like to carry cash, we’re putting any spare cash we have into a glass jar.  The money saved in the jar is going toward future house projects.

Another way to care for your money is to be intentional in your use of it.

Think about how you use your money: Do you just spend frivolously, or are you intentional in your spending?

As I got clean in my money mindset, I became more intentional with how I put my money to use.

I started to see certain spending areas as not worthy of my money.  One of these areas was going out to dinner on a regular basis.  Now, I’ve never been someone who hit up the Starbucks drive-through every morning or picked up fast food for lunch, but I used to love to go out to dinner all the time.

If you find value in going out to dinner, there is absolutely nothing wrong with that-I just reached a point where, for me, I thought it was a poor way to spend my money.  I do go out to dinner here and there with my husband, family, and friends, but there’s usually a special reason when I do go, which makes the event of going out to dinner more meaningful for me and my money.

As you become more intentional in your relationship with money, you’ll probably notice spending areas you don’t feel are worthy of your money, like I did with routine dinner-and-drinks outings.


Before You Go

Getting clean in your money mindset is the start to fixing not only your money “problems,” but living in abundance in regards to money.

Remember-the abundance to create and have money is within you-and not linked to your circumstances or the world around you.

What healthy money mindset habits are you practicing?

Let me know in the comments below, and as always, thanks for reading.


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Hi! I'm Lisa. I help women live purposeful, fulfilling and joyful lives. I'm happily married and a fur mom to two boxers and two rabbits. I love Jesus, freelance writing, fitness, personal development, reading books, football, cross-stitching, and video games.

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