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The Best Personal Development Podcasts

Personal development podcasts have greatly impacted the results I’m seeing in my life now.

The amount of positive change in my life and the results I’ve seen have exponentially increased as a result of what I’ve learned.

Whether you’re on the go or not much of a reader, podcasts are a free, easy tool for learning and motivation.

With such a large library of podcasts available on iTunes, Stitcher, Spotify and more, there is no excuse not to listen and learn on your commute to work or while you clean the house.

It’s FREE learning and motivation.

If you want to change your life, you need to listen to personal development podcasts.

Here are some of my favorite personal development podcasts that keep me learning, growing, and motivated.  They cover a wide range of topics in the personal development niche.

I hope they change your life as much as they’ve changed mine.

The Best Personal Development Podcasts

The Brendon Show with Brendon Burchard

If you want to learn how to live an extraordinary life and change your habits, Brendon Burchard is your guy.

His advice is taken based on his own personal experiences-and failures, including heartbreak and tragedy.

A lot of the topics he discusses are taken from his book High Performance Habits: How Extraordinary People Become that Way, which is one of the best personal development books I’ve read up to this point.

You can listen to The Brendon Show here.


The Life Coach School Podcast with Brooke Castillo

Brooke Castillo is a no-nonsense life coach and I love her outside-the-box ideas, such as throwing away your to-do list.

If you are struggling with accountability, this is a great podcast for you.

Productivity, money, and cultivating an abundance mindset are just a few of the topics she teaches.

She also teaches you how to solve any problem!

One topic that resonated with me personally was how to overcome instant gratification in order to get the long-term results you want in life.

Check out her podcast here.


Design Your Dream Life with Natalie Bacon

Natalie Bacon is an entrepreneur and life coach.  She has a monthly coaching program called Grow You.

Great at covering tough topics, such as how to handle disappointment, she’ll help you re-program your thinking.  This is very important because our emotions control our actions and if we cannot get our emotions in order, we will not produce the results we want in our life.

I love how open and honest she is about her past failures and how they led her to where she is now.

She also talks about money, so if you have an unhealthy relationship with money, she can help you with that, too.

My favorite podcast episode of hers is called “I quit drinking.”  She also followed up a year later with “A Year of Not Drinking.”

Check out her podcast here.


Rise with Rachel Hollis

You may know Rachel from her New York Times best-selling book, Girl, Wash Your Face.  In her podcast, she teaches you how to get what you want in life and business.

She also interviews other entrepreneurs and personal development speakers, which will inspire you.  Sometimes, she reads from her latest book release or plays audio from a recent public speaking appearance.

All of these episodes will teach you what you need to know to make it in life and business.

Listen to her podcast here.


School of Self-Image with Tonya Leigh

Tonya Leigh grew up in a trailer park in the deep south.  She went from unfulfilled and overweight to a woman living in complete abundance, living her dream life.

I love how she talks about where she was vs. where she is now. Her before-and-after journey is truly inspiring and shows women it’s never too late to become the woman you were destined to be.

She combines personal development with style for a message that is equally unique and and inspiring.

You can listen to her podcast here.


Terri with Terri Savelle Foy

If you’ve been coming to my website for any length of time, you probably know that I just adore Terri.  She played an integral role in turning my life around in the direction I wanted to go after I was laid-off in 2018 and struggling to get motivated.

Terri uses the word of God, past experiences, and her own personal development learning to teach others how to overcome their past, go after their dreams, set goals, and more.

Her teaching on goal-setting was a game-changer for me and I went from someone with no goals, to tons of goals-many of which I’ve already achieved.

The principles she teaches are practical and easy to implement into your daily routine.  I cannot recommend her podcast enough.

Listen to her podcast here.



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Hi! I'm Lisa. I help women live purposeful, fulfilling and joyful lives. I'm happily married and a fur mom to two boxers and two rabbits. I love Jesus, freelance writing, fitness, personal development, reading books, football, cross-stitching, and video games.

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