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5 Things Successful Women Manage Well

What attributes do you think make a successful woman?

You may think: CEO, millionaire, small business owner, networking events, fancy vacations, and expensive business dinners.

But it isn’t that complex.

Success is determined by the individual.

For one woman, it may mean being a stay at home mom and managing her household.  Another woman may see success as climbing the corporate ladder.

The shared end goal, however, should be to feel purpose, fulfillment, and joy.

That, my friend, is true success.

Let’s talk the five things successful women manage well.

5 Things Successful Women Manage Well


Successful women know how to manage their mornings well.

The way you manage your mornings sets the tone for your day.

When you wake up in the morning, are you reacting to the mood you’re in, or reacting to what calls your attention on your phone before even getting out of bed?

Or do you intentionally decide how the day is going to go?

Successful women understand mornings are sacred, and how they show up for the day is determined by the quality of their morning routine.

A successful morning routine is comprised of habits that serve you well and are a reflection of where you’re going.  Your mind is at its most creative first thing in the morning, so don’t waste it engaging in activities that don’t serve you.

Many people wake up in a bad mood and allow it to dictate how their day is going to go. Or, before even getting out of bed, they get on social media and read the negative things people are saying.

So…how do you expect to have a good day if you’re filling your head with negativity?

You can learn to love mornings and get good at setting a positive tone for your day.  Intentionally put positive things into your brain, not negative ones.



Successful women know how to manage their attention.

You must get good at disciplining your mind, what you give your attention to, and nipping distractions in the bud.

The world tries to tell us everything is important, urgent, or an emergency.  One instance of this is the news.  I graduated with my bachelor’s degree in communications and journalism, and I can assure you, the news wants to distract you and get you to think everything is attention-worthy.  It’s how they make money.

I’m not suggesting you block out what happens in the world-that would be ignorant.  What I am suggesting is that you consume news and any form of media intentionally and wisely.

Another common pitfall of our attention are the texts, emails, messages, and calls we receive on a daily basis.  Successful women get good at discerning what actually requires their immediate attention and what doesn’t.

Be stronger than the distractions of daily life and the agenda of others.  If you don’t train people how to treat you, they’ll treat you any way they see fit.  If you give in to every “urgent” email that actually isn’t, you’ll find yourself unable to fulfill your own agenda.

Here are some questions you can ask yourself to determine if something is worthy of your attention:

  • How does this make me feel?
  • Am I being intentional right now?
  • Does this add to the quality of my life?

Practice discipline in your attention-after all, wherever you place your attention, is where your life is headed.  Are you choosing on purpose?  Or based on what’s easy and in front of you?



Successful women know how to manage their time well, and that time is not renewable.  Once it’s gone, it’s gone.  So they capitalize on the time they have.

Your schedule is a reflection of what you value-whether you realize it or not.

If you find yourself never having enough time and feel unfulfilled at the end of the day, it’s a sign you need to pare down the activities on your schedule.  Learn to say “no” to anything that doesn’t serve your purpose.

Yes, we still need to work and take care of our children.  But what about the other stuff?  The volunteer committee you’ve lost interest in?  The bake sale you got talked into signing up for?

You’re going to have to disappoint some people, and that’s ok.

If you go to bed looking back on your day and didn’t feel purpose, fulfillment or joy, it’s a sign you need to get better at managing your time.



Successful women know how to manage their energy.

You can manage your time wisely (see above section), but if you don’t manage your energy along with it, managing your time won’t do you any good.

Tap into yourself and know what gives you energy and what doesn’t.

When it comes to feeling energized, there are three things you can do that will automatically improve your energy:

  • Get exercise.
  • Eat a balanced diet.
  • Have a set sleep schedule.

But beyond that, there are other areas you can manage that impact your energy levels:

  • The people you spend time with.
  • Activities you engage in.
  • Habits.

There are going to be people who energize you, and people who drain your energy.  Discerning who energizes you and who doesn’t will direct where you focus your energy, and you’ll create your life on purpose, instead of dragging yourself through the day with depleted energy.

The same is true for places.  Stick to places that energize you, and avoid the ones that don’t.

Also consider your habits.  What habits give you energy, and which ones don’t?  What about the books you read and the television shows they watch-do they give you energy, or deplete it?

As an example, I noticed how watching the news made me feel, so I quit watching it.  Again, I’m not suggesting to not pay attention at all to the news-that would be ignorant.  Just be smart about it.  I learn what is going on in the world from one or two sources, and I leave it at that.  The end result is I have more energy-positive energy, at that-and as a result, my life has improved.



Successful women know how to manage their thinking and question their thoughts.

The best way I can put this is to think on purpose.  Don’t succumb to whatever thoughts your mind goes to.

Just because you think a specific thought, doesn’t make it true.  Practice separating actual facts from the thoughts in your head.

The goal is to align your thinking with where you want to go, and not stay stuck in thoughts that don’t serve you.

What do you need to be thinking in order to think on purpose in a way that serves where you want to go?  Practice thinking these thoughts until you create this state in your mind.

You must evolve the image of the woman you want to be first, before you can actually become her.  Your thoughts must align with who you want to become before it happens.

Ultimately, what you believe about yourself will dictate the quality of your life.


Before You Go

Get good at managing these five components of your life.

You know you’re doing it right if you feel purpose, fulfillment, and joy.

What are your best tips for managing your life well?

I read and respond to every comment from my readers, so let me know in the comments below.

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Hi! I'm Lisa. I help women live purposeful, fulfilling and joyful lives. I'm happily married and a fur mom to two boxers and two rabbits. I love Jesus, freelance writing, fitness, personal development, reading books, football, cross-stitching, and video games.

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