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3 Keys to Building Self-Confidence

“Confidence is the belief that you can count on yourself-that you trust your gut in the place you find yourself in.” ~Rachel Hollis

Confidence is not something we are born with, but a learned skill.

The good news is, if your self-confidence is lacking, it’s not too late to change that.

I’ve been awkward and shy my whole life, so if there’s hope for me, there’s hope for you, too.

There are three key areas you can focus on to build your self-confidence.

Let’s dive in…

3 Keys to Building Self-Confidence


While looks aren’t everything, they do matter.

But not in the way you probably think.

Society tells us if we don’t look a specific way, we’ve failed.

I completely disagree with this.

The secret to self-confidence isn’t looking like a replica of a Kardashian.

It comes from you liking the way you look, with your own personal style.

You just have to find what your personal style is.

Look the part that fills your confidence meter to full.

For some women, that’s minimal makeup or no makeup, jeans and converse.  Other women, like myself, are the best versions of themselves by tapping into their girlie side.

If you’re not happy with the way you look, it’s never too late to change that.  Try out different styles and figure out what works for you.

My personal style has gone through many changes, and it took me until my early 30’s to lock into my unique look that gives me the confidence to conquer.

So long as the way you style yourself is authentically you, I believe appearances do matter-just not the way society tries to brainwash us to believe.


Actions Speak Louder

Nobody is born knowing anything-everything we do is learned.

If we automatically shut down anything because we’ve never done it before, how will we ever achieve anything more than what we already have?

Embracing confidence when encountering a new experience will help you bridge the gap between “I’m not capable” and “I’m completely capable, and I will succeed.”

To become someone you’ve never been, you have to try things you’ve never done.  And it’s completely okay if you “fail” or make a mistake.  The road to your future self is paved with trial-and-error.  This is how we learn and grow.  You have to try what doesn’t work, to figure out what does.


The Company You Keep

It’s been said you are the average of the five people you spend the most time with.

If you’re surrounded by positive, high-achieving women, this is a wonderful thing.

On the flip side, if you keep close tabs with your long-time friend who is eligible for the Biggest Drama Queen on Facebook award, it might be time to consider who you’re allowing into your personal space.

The other day I was having a conversation with one of my best friends, and I told her how much I loved the personal development book I was currently reading.

Surprise, she’s reading that book too!  She then proceeds to send me a selfie of her with the book.

We then had a conversation about certain topics and takeaways from the book.

While our career paths are very different-she gets me. She’s invested in personal growth and taking her career to the next level.

When you are working toward a goal, it’s imperative to have like-minded people around you. People at your level or above your level whose influence will motivate and inspire you.

Find the people whose traits you want to exude and spend time with them.

The right people will boost your confidence and aid in your personal growth.

Toxic people are a real problem and they will bring you down if you let them.

As I drifted away from a few friends I used to be close with, I had the realization that if I sat down and had a conversation with these people today, we’d have nothing to talk about, because we have nothing in common anymore.

I don’t care about their scandalous drama as much as they don’t care about my career goals.


Before You Go

Confidence isn’t something only certain people were blessed with.

It’s a learned skill that anyone can cultivate in their life.

Be mindful of the circumstances, people, and things that boost your confidence, and be intentional about integrating them into your life.

Build your self-confidence, then watch your dreams become reality.

What are your tips for boosting self-confidence?

Let me know in the comments below.

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Hi! I'm Lisa. I help women live purposeful, fulfilling and joyful lives. I'm happily married and a fur mom to two boxers and two rabbits. I love Jesus, freelance writing, fitness, personal development, reading books, football, cross-stitching, and video games.

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