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11 Tips for Intentional Living

Do you ever look back at the last few days, weeks, months or years and feel like they all just ran together in a blur?

Does it seem like nothing of significance happened during that time and you were just running a pointless rat race?

It’s not always easy living in the moment.  We get so overwhelmed with life that we’re just trying to get from point A to point B.

We aren’t taking a breath to enjoy anything.

But what’s the point of life if you’re constantly in a race to the finish line?

Here are 11 tips for living with intention every single day.

11 Tips for Intentional Living

Stop Living for Tomorrow

Stop waiting for Friday, for summer, for your next vacation, for you to lose weight, for things to get “better” etc., to live to full capacity.

You have 24 hours in a day.  Make the most of them.

Life isn’t a dress rehearsal.

You get one chance to live to your full potential.

Quit procrastinating on your dreams. Stop dwelling on the past.  Quit wishing things were “better,” and take action to make them better.

Start today.


Put the Phone Down

When you look back on memories, do you reflect back and think, “there was that great day where I spent several hours on my phone!”

I’m guessing probably not.

There is a time and place for social media, emails and texts.

If your phone hogs most of your free time, you might need some new hobbies.

When someone is talking to you, but you’re checking your phone, you are signaling to the other person that your phone is more important than them.

If you’re working on a specific task and you’re constantly checking your phone, this is a form of procrastination.

Living through your phone is not living at all.

Put the phone down and focus on the present.


Focus on the Task at Hand

Juggling multiple priorities can be overwhelming.

When you’re currently working on a specific task, focus on that one task and nothing else.

Being a good multi-tasker is not a thing-it’s a lie.

You cannot give your best attention when you’re bouncing around to multiple tasks at once.

Close out of tabs on your computer for anything not related to what you’re specifically working on.

Silence your phone and put it out of reach.

Give your 100%, undivided attention to that one task until it’s done, and then move on.



“The biggest communication problem is we do not listen to understand.  We listen to reply.” ~Anonymous

We are present in a conversation only when we are focused on listening to what the other person is saying.

If you’re more focused on jumping in with a reply, you’re not actively listening.

Listen to understand.  Then, consider your reply.


Personal Development

Having an ongoing personal development plan can influence living a life of purpose and intention.  Even reading as little as 20 minutes a day of a personal development book or listening to a podcast while on the way to the office is huge.


Set Aside Time for YOU

You’ve probably heard me talk about it many times, but I swear by my morning routine.  It sets the tone for my day, and it would throw my entire day off if I couldn’t have this 20-minutes of time to myself.

I review my goals planner, write in my journal, read, look at my schedule for the day, pray, etc.   I also devote time to work out 5 times a week, even if I only have time for a quick walk on the treadmill.

Set aside time daily to have “you” time to do the things that keep you centered.


Celebrate Little Victories

Celebrate the little victories in life.  After all, it’s the little victories that snowball into the big victories.

It’s those little victories that are taking you to the big victories, so don’t forget to appreciate them.

Enjoy a nice dinner or outing with friends.  Get away for the weekend.

Or maybe celebrating for you is having a glass of wine or piece of cake.



I swear by gratitude journaling. Every morning, or in the evening if you prefer, write down five things that happened in the last 24 hours you’re grateful for.

The kicker is, you have to name specific things that happened and not vague statements such as “I had a good day at work.”

Journaling gratitude helps you see the good in an otherwise “ordinary” day.


Appreciate the Little Things

The little things are often the big things.

Your husband doing the dishes.  The nice complement you received at work.  The person who let you in front of them in line. Your morning coffee.

Appreciate little pleasures and kindnesses.


Relationships Over Everything

When your to-do list is 20 lines deep and your loved ones are calling, choose your relationships over the tasks, every time.

There’s likely nothing on your to-do list that can’t wait until tomorrow when it comes to accommodating the important relationships in your life.

At the end of the day, 99% of those tasks are not truly important and won’t matter a year from now.

But relationships are forever.


Choose Your Thoughts Wisely

“The greatest weapon against stress is our ability to choose one thought over another.” ~William James

One of the most significant tips for intentional living: You can decide how you feel.

Program your brain to choose positive thoughts and emotions.

You don’t have to associate stress, overwhelm and anxiety with anything you have going on-you choose to associate those emotions with them.

Circumstances are neutral-be wise with the emotions you choose to feel regarding them.


In what ways do you live with intention? Let me know in the comments below!


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Hi! I'm Lisa. I help women live purposeful, fulfilling and joyful lives. I'm happily married and a fur mom to two boxers and two rabbits. I love Jesus, freelance writing, fitness, personal development, reading books, football, cross-stitching, and video games.

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