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6 Ways to Improve Your Life Right Now

Quit waiting for next week, next month, next year, or for your circumstances to change before trying to improve your life.

Life isn’t better “over there,” and you don’t need your circumstances to “get better” before you can improve your life.

You can improve your life as it is, right now.


The power to improve your life is within you and you alone.  

There is so much freedom in actualizing this.

Practice these six mindful and intentional ways to improve your life to see a positive change in yours today.

6 Ways to Improve Your Life Right Now

If you want to feel better, monitor your energy and presence.

When you’re struggling with negative emotions, check into your self-awareness.

Acknowledge the negative emotion.  

Maybe you can’t change the circumstance or experience causing the negative emotion, but you can change how you feel about it.

Some good questions to ask are, “Is it really as bad as I think?” and “How do I really want to feel?”

I use this practice quite often, especially when I’m feeling overwhelmed with work.  

As an example, if I catch myself slipping into a bad mood due to the overwhelming amount of work ahead of me, I’ll ask myself if it’s really as bad as I think.

The answer is almost always “no.”

I’ll break down my schedule into its components, and come to realize nothing is as bad as I am making it out to be.

Everything will get done. 

I must choose to focus on each task individually, one at a time, with intention and undivided attention, until it is completed and then on to the next.

The work will get done one way or another, and there’s no use succumbing to a bad mood because of it.

I also ask myself, “How do I really want to feel?”

The answer is that I want to feel joyful and grateful for the opportunities I’ve been given.  

Answering these questions helps inform my mindset to one of joy and fulfillment.

Monitoring your energy and presence is great for keeping your emotions in check.  

It is so powerful to know you can control your emotions. They only control you if you let them.


Active decision-making leads to success and happiness.

A great way to get un-stuck in life and make moves forward is to become an active decision-maker.

People who are indecisive tend to be unhappy people. They debate and delay on decisions and it makes them miserable.

Your brain will make you feel miserable while you are stuck in indecisiveness until you make a decision.

If you want to feel energized and present, learn to become a decisive person.

There is no “wrong” decision.  

Decisions move you forward. 

Even if you end up not making the “best” decision, you can keep making new decisions with your new circumstances until you do.

Indecisiveness only holds us back.

Decisive people are proven to be happier, more successful, more productive, and they get results.

There is something so freeing about making a decision and sticking to it.

Positive people make decisions actively.


Practice celebrating daily achievements.

You don’t have to accomplish a great feat to celebrate the little wins you experience daily.

This is a great practice to do every day that will bring you joy.

Daily achievements could be as simple as not losing your sanity with your kids that day, or choosing a salad at lunch instead of fast food.

This practice is very similar to my 24-hour gratitude practice, except it’s focused more on the daily wins.

Write down at least one personal win every day. Those daily wins matter and they will bring you joy when you reflect on them.

Practicing mindfulness of your daily wins will help you be more mindful in your daily life, which creates joy, fulfillment, and purpose.


Make a plan and execute it.

A great way to improve your life right now is to make a plan and take action.

The practice of goal-setting is highly rewarding when done the right way.

Goals are made to stretch you and show you what you’re capable of.

They do improve your life when achieved, but they also can be just for fun. There’s something fun about accomplishing a crazy goal you once thought impossible.

Goals need to be written down on paper or in a goals journal and reviewed daily. Otherwise, they’ll slip off into oblivion and you’ll forget about them.

The process of reviewing your goals daily is highly motivating and keeps them at the forefront of your mind.

You must have an intentional plan for your life, or you’ll stay stuck in reaction mode and just react to whatever life throws at you. This does not bring joy or fulfillment, so make a plan and take massive action.


Be mindful of your interactions with others.

Are you a leader?

You don’t have to be in management or a CEO to be a leader.

Happy people take responsibility for the energy they create. Are you creating the energy of a defeatist or a complainer, or that of a leader or role-model?

You shape the energy of the world with the emotions you choose.

When you choose positive emotions, it creates positive energy for those around you.  

If you’re having a bad day and choose positive emotions, the energy you create rubs off on you, too-it’s a great way to change your attitude.

Being mindful of your interactions with other people always leads to joy.

Some people live in reaction to whatever their circumstances are and complain and spread the bad energy to whoever is around them.

But you can choose to be mindful and spread positive vibes to everyone around you. And in turn, it will improve your own life immediately.  

It’s hard to emit positive energy to others and not let it negate your negative emotions.

Practice this with people in person as well as on social media.


Get your focus back.

If you’ve lost your focus, a great way to get it back is to start with your morning routine.

Create an intentional morning routine if you don’t already have one.

Morning routines are meant to give your day purpose and allow you to maximize your productivity.

I have a morning routine I’ve practiced for over two years now that includes reading an entry from a devotional, reviewing my goals, journaling gratitude and/or prayer, and reviewing my schedule.  

There are 20 minutes carved into my schedule to do this every single morning.

Your morning routine might look a little different. It could include exercise, self-talk, stretching, hydrating, or any number of things that set you up to carry out a productive and fulfilling day.

Set the tone for your day by creating a morning routine to follow every single morning.

You’ll know it’s working when you actually get excited to wake up early.


Before You Go

Your circumstances don’t have to change for you to improve your life right now.

Tap into the power within you and practice these six ways to improve your life.

When you take responsibility for the energy you produce and practice living intentionally, you’ll start to live a life that is joyful, fulfilling, and purposeful.

What are mindful practices you use to improve your life?

Let me know in the comments below.

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Hi! I'm Lisa. I help women live purposeful, fulfilling and joyful lives. I'm happily married and a fur mom to two boxers and two rabbits. I love Jesus, freelance writing, fitness, personal development, reading books, football, cross-stitching, and video games.

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