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How to Create Your Perfect Daily Routine

“The secret of your future is hidden in your daily routine.” ~Mike Murdock

Whether you realize it or not, you currently have a daily routine.

A daily routine is a series of habits you created over time that comprise how your days are spent.

But unless you’re intentional about creating a daily routine, your current one is likely not getting you the results you want.

See, it is the every day, little daily habits that set the tone for your future self.

Let’s talk how to create your perfect daily routine.

How to Create Your Perfect Daily Routine

Set Goals

Before you can create a daily routine, you first have to set goals and know your “why.”

The point of this step is this: how do you know what habits and tasks to implement into your daily routine if you don’t know what you’re working toward to begin with?

That’s why you need to do some soul-searching and set goals-or at least know your “why”-before going further.

If you want to lose weight, for example, what do you need to do on a daily basis to make it happen?  That might mean adding a 30-minute walk to your daily routine (or whatever your exercise plan is.)

For example, a few years back I wanted to become proficient in digital advertising so I could start managing Google Ads and Facebook Ads for my friend’s marketing business.  For me, that meant getting certified in both advertising platforms.

I set a goal to become certified in Google Ads first.  But one look at their certification program, and I knew I had my work cut out for me.  There was a lot of course content to get through, and I was a complete newbie.

Looking back on past experiences, I saw how I made claims to do something.  But, because I didn’t actually make a plan, I let time pass by.

The things I set out to do were never accomplished.

In approaching certification in Google Ads and Facebook Ads, I knew based on past experiences that if I didn’t make a plan of action, it wouldn’t get done.

So, I made a plan.

For one hour a day, 7 days a week, I would study via Google’s certification program for Google Ads.  When I completed a section, I’d take the test associated with it.

Two months later, I was certified in Google Ads.

You need to establish your goals and your “why” first, so you can determine what tasks you need to do in order to achieve them.


Determine Your Priorities

What are your top priorities?

Is it spending time with your family at the end of the day?

Maybe you’re working on a project, and in order to get it done on time, you must spend at least one hour a day on it.

If you’re trying to lose weight, working out 5 times a week and packing healthy lunches for work might be a top priority.

Whatever your utmost priorities are, establish them and then protect them.

If your one hour of free time in the evenings is a priority to you, don’t accept requests from others that take that time away from you.

Sticking to your priorities takes a lot of self-discipline and the ability to say “no” to people.


Create a Schedule

Once you’ve set your goals and know your “why” and you’ve established your top priorities, it’s time to fill in your schedule.

I’m old-school in that I swear by my paper planner.  It’s what works for me.  Most people prefer digital in this day and age, but do whatever is going to work for you.

It doesn’t matter what your planning system is.  What does matter is that it works for you and aids in your efficiency.

I plan my schedule at least one week in advance-sometimes earlier.


Morning Routines are Your Anchor

The most important aspect of your daily routine is what you do first thing in the morning.

Whether it’s writing in a gratitude journal, praying, exercising, reading a chapter out of a book, or reviewing your goals, what you do in the first few hours of the morning sets the tone for your entire day.

If you typically wake up at the last minute, rushing to get ready and out the door, grabbing a donut and grabbing a 1,000 calorie Starbucks drink on your way to the office, this is setting a tone that your day is going to be rushed and hectic.

Your brain will never be as sharp as it will be first thing in the morning.  Take advantage of the early hours.  Get up at a decent time and engage in a morning routine that sets you up to maximize the most of your day-not one that forces you into a hectic, stressful day allowing things to just happen to you, and not for you.


Stick To It

If you want to see progress in any area of your life that you’re working toward, you have to be self-disciplined about your daily routine.

No one else is going to do it for you, and it’s your responsibility to get the results you want.

Create the right habits and do them every single day (or as often as needed to get the results you desire).

That’s creating an effective daily routine.


Before You Go

Creating a daily routine that supports your goals and priorities will increase your productivity and give you a sense of purpose.

Most of all, it will get you the results you want to see in your life.

You cannot survive on wishful thinking and fly by the seat of your pants if you want something more for your life.

What does your daily routine consist of?

Let me know in the comments below.

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Hi! I'm Lisa. I help women live purposeful, fulfilling and joyful lives. I'm happily married and a fur mom to two boxers and two rabbits. I love Jesus, freelance writing, fitness, personal development, reading books, football, cross-stitching, and video games.

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