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How to Increase Your Value

I’m going to share with you how to increase your value.

But first, I want to be clear in what I mean by “value.”

Value often is defined as someone’s worth, but this is not true.

You don’t have to increase your worth because you were born 100% worthy.

This is something you do not need to prove because you are already worthy as you are.

Value works a little differently, though.

When you think of having value, think of your skill set and your contribution to the world.

You know the saying, “you reap what you sow?”

Value works like that.

The value you provide the world is like a boomerang.

If you throw a lot of value out into the world, a lot of value will come back to you.

Increasing your value is a great way to see your dreams come to fruition.

So, let’s talk about how to increase your value.

You don’t Need to Fix Yourself

Before I give you some ways you can increase your value, I want to make one thing clear:

You do not need to fix yourself.

Remember-you are 100% worthy. You were born this way.

There is nothing you need to “fix.”

You’re perfect as you are, whether you realize it or not!

Instead, just focus on increasing your value and becoming a more valuable human being.

Having value is rooted in how you serve others and the world.

Be valuable because you can.

Because it feels good and up-levels your life.

Increasing your value increases other facets of your life, such as the amount of money you make.

Examine your life now and think about where you could provide more value.

Maybe it’s in your career or your relationships.

There are specific things you can do that will increase or decrease your value, so let’s talk about that next, starting with things you can do to increase your value.

Tips to Increase Your Value

What kind of life do you want to create, and what do you need to learn in order to create that life?

To increase your value, a great place to start is by studying, reading, and learning in an area you’re interested in.

As an example, I am very interested in online business, so when I started my website, I invested in courses that taught me how to build one. I also read relevant business books on an ongoing basis so I continue to learn.

Another area of interest for me is personal development, so I’m always reading personal development books, listening to podcasts, attending live events (back when that was still a thing, because I’m writing this in 2020 during a pandemic) and investing in programs that help me grow in this area to increase my value.

I’m so passionate about this topic, it’s why my content is based on it!

I also took courses on digital marketing after I was laid off from my last job and spent time practicing and learning Google Ads and Facebook Ads.  Because of this, I’m able to assist my friend in her digital marketing business.

All of these areas of interest have supported me in my dream to work from home.  Had you asked me a question about any of these topics just three years ago, I wouldn’t have been able to help you.

I’ve learned so much these last few years because I made the investment in myself, and as a result my value has greatly increased. Now, I’m doing things I never thought possible.

Continuously learning and focusing on my goals is a daily priority for me.

“I can’t do that” and “I don’t know how to do that” are not solutions for me.

When I don’t know how to do something I want to know how to do, I google it or do what it takes to find out how.

This can be frustrating and confusing at first, but when you practice this, you get better at it. And it will increase your value tenfold.

Another way you can increase your value is to spend time with high-value people.

High-value people are constantly learning and growing.  They have new ideas you haven’t considered before and are future-focused.

When you leave a conversation with a high-value person, you feel uplifted and enlightened.

Keep these people close.

Another way you can increase your value is by taking care of your health.

As a writer, I need to keep my mind sharp. This means eating nutritious foods, exercising regularly and getting plenty of sleep.

When you take care of you, the effects carry over into other aspects of your life.


Things that Decrease Your Value

I would be remiss not to discuss the things that decrease your value.

Consuming low-value content is a big one.

Low-value content includes social media, television, gossip magazines, etc.

There is nothing wrong with consuming in moderation, just be aware you’re doing it.

And make sure to spend equal or double the amount of time you spent on low-value content consuming high-value content OR producing/creating.

I don’t read magazines and I watch very little TV, so those aren’t an issue for me. But I do play video games. I love video games (I’m loyal to Nintendo), but I only play a few hours a week.

Social media can be hard to avoid sometimes, but if you read my last article, you know I “quit the news” and have significantly decreased my time on there.  If I didn’t manage social media accounts for businesses, I would have deactivated my Facebook account or at the very least remove the app from my phone. I do have notifications disabled, however.

Social media has its perks, but it’s a huge waste of time we can never get back.

Think of it this way: When you’re on your deathbed thinking about your life, are you going to look back and say, “I’m so thankful for all that time I spent scrolling on Facebook!”?  Probably not, right?

Another thing that can decrease your value is to spend time with low-value people.

I touch on this in my article about toxic friends.

You don’t need to dump any of your friends necessarily, just be mindful of the conversations you’re having when you’re around them.

There are a few people I keep at arm’s length. People I love, but I know conversations with them are very one-sided and centered around their drama.  They have no intention of growing or wanting more out of life (which I want).

So, be mindful of who is in your circle of influence.

As I mentioned above, it’s also important to take care of you.  Think about how you feel when you eat too much junk food or drink too much alcohol. Probably not good, right?  By neglecting your health, you decrease your value.


Before You Go

Give your best self to the world, knowing the best will come back to you.

You’re already worthy. There’s nothing you need to “fix.”

Increase your value by investing in learning and personal growth. Surround yourself with the right people.  Be mindful of what decreases your personal value.

Your future self will thank you.

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Hi! I'm Lisa. I help women live purposeful, fulfilling and joyful lives. I'm happily married and a fur mom to two boxers and two rabbits. I love Jesus, freelance writing, fitness, personal development, reading books, football, cross-stitching, and video games.

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