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How to Enjoy Your Own Company

Whether you’re single or married, being able to enjoy your own company is an important skill to have.

Everyone gets the occasional bout of loneliness from time to time, but chronic loneliness or a need to always be around people can signify deeper problems.

People who struggle with being alone tend to have self-esteem and co-dependency issues.

Relying on other people to make you happy is never a good thing.  You are the only one who truly holds that power-the power to make yourself happy.

I spent most of my life single until I met my husband at 32, and I can say I’ve mastered enjoying my own company-probably to a fault.

When you get comfortable being alone with yourself, it improves your self-esteem and drastically improves your relationships-especially with a significant other.

Let’s talk about the benefits of enjoying your own company.


The Benefits of Enjoying Your Own Company

Being able to enjoy your own company goes deeper than the surface of just enjoying being alone.

When I was in my 20’s, I had to be out all the time, or I’d feel lonely and think I was missing out.

When I decided at 29 it was time for a lifestyle change and I started to stay home more, it was hard.

I felt that I was missing out on life, but the truth was, I was preparing myself for a more fulfilling life.  The life I actually wanted, that my actions weren’t in alignment with by going out all the time.

Like any change, it wasn’t easy. But it was so worth it.

I started to pick back up on old hobbies I had as a kid, and started to enjoy the simple pleasures of life.

The quietness became so peaceful.

Enjoying your own company allows for self-reflection and fully processing thoughts-things that aid in personal growth and fulfillment.

If you’re always around other people, you don’t have the time or make the time for self-reflection, which means you’re not taking the time to really learn anything, and this can hinder self-growth.

Some people just don’t want to be alone with their thoughts to begin with, and that’s why they constantly surround themselves with people.  This is one of the biggest reasons I used to go out a lot when I was in my 20’s.

It’s human nature to feel lonely at times, but if you cannot be happy with yourself, you’ll never be happy with someone else.

Some women bounce from relationship to relationship or friendship to friendship because they cannot bear to be alone with themselves, but the truth is, that is what they are needing most in order to find the happiness they are seeking in others.

When you realize the key to happiness and fulfillment is found within you, doors of opportunity will open you never thought possible.

Here are some ways you can enjoy your own company.


How to Enjoy Your Own Company

Travel Alone

If you’re reading this in 2020, this option may not be an option at the moment.  But it will be someday, so listen up.

I think everyone should travel alone at least once in their lifetime. It’s a great way to get comfortable with yourself if you’re really struggling in this area.

Once, I flew to South Carolina for a friend’s wedding.  I’ve flown alone many times, but on that trip, for the first time ever, I had my own hotel and driving arrangements.  When I wasn’t at one of the wedding events, I was on my own.

And there was something so liberating about it.

In my free time during the course of the trip, I made my way to an outlet mall.  But I also spent time just enjoying my hotel room in solace.  I bought snacks and wine, and read in my hotel room.  Getting ready for the wedding itself was fun because I played music on my iPhone.

The whole experience brought me so much peace.

When it’s safe to travel again, book yourself a solo trip.  It can be as simple as a weekend in a log cabin or as grand as a full week on the beaches in the Bahamas.


Take Yourself Out to Eat (or for Coffee)

Another great way to get more comfortable in your own company is to take yourself out to eat or just for coffee.

Again, if you’re reading this in 2020, it may not be the best option right now, but for when it’s safe again, consider this an option.

One of my favorite things to do while traveling solo is to find a restaurant and grab a seat at the bar.  I’m typically not a very outgoing person, but in my solo travels, I noticed I was a much more sociable person.

Not having another person as a crutch can help you tap into a different side of yourself-for me, I became more social, and it was fun to talk to other people, ask where they were from, etc.


Get Dressed for Yourself

This is one I’m still working on mastering.

Get dressed for yourself-every day.

You don’t need a reason to dress a specific way, wear makeup, or style your hair.

Do it for you.

Even if you’re not seeing anyone.

It probably goes without saying, but when you “get ready” so to speak (getting dressed, applying makeup and styling your hair) and feel you look better, then you feel better.

When you feel better, you act more in line with your highest self.


Enjoy a Solo Friday Night

This is another one I swear by.

Before I met my husband, I used to spend many Friday nights at home alone, and 100% enjoyed myself.

I used to make a pizza, sip wine, and read in bed.  My two domesticated house rabbits had free reign of my bedroom, so I technically had some company, but you get the idea.

When you can willingly stay in on a Friday night, by yourself, and enjoy it, you may as well have won the lottery.

Knowing you don’t need to go out for a good time is powerful.



A great way to get in touch with yourself is to journal.  You can journal your thoughts, plans, dreams, prayers, gratitude, anything.


Do Something You’ve Never Done Before

One of the most empowering things you can do for yourself is to do something you’ve never done before.

And because I know it’s 2020 and that limits your options, I want you to know it can be something as simple as refurbishing that old coffee table in your living room, cooking a new recipe, or planting a garden.

Teaching yourself to do something new is empowering. It shows you can do things for yourself.

Solo Hobbies

Find at least one hobby you can do solo. It might be reading, crafts, exercise, cooking, the options are endless.

When you engage in hobbies you enjoy, it makes it easy to enjoy your own company.


Before You Go

When you learn to enjoy your own company, you build up your self-confidence, and it positively impacts your relationships and your life.

There is power in doing things on your own and learning new things.

When you take time to enjoy the peace and quiet and practice self-reflection, this is where change happens.

What are your favorite ways to enjoy your own company?

Let me know in the comments below.




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Hi! I'm Lisa. I help women live purposeful, fulfilling and joyful lives. I'm happily married and a fur mom to two boxers and two rabbits. I love Jesus, freelance writing, fitness, personal development, reading books, football, cross-stitching, and video games.

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