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How to Start an Online Business: A Review of Online Business for Her

***PLEASE READ: Online Business for Her closed indefinitely since this article was published.  The creator of this program, Natalie Bacon, has a recurring online business program open at certain times of the year.  You can check out her Online Business Free Course to get started.  Or, another great course to learn how to start your own online business that I have taken and recommend is Launch Your Blog Biz or you can access their course bundle, Pro Blogger Bundle.

This is my personal review of Online Business for Her, a program created by Natalie Bacon, who is a life coach.

I discovered Natalie Bacon in early 2019 after I had just started my website.

Immediately, I was drawn to the clean and classy look of her website and her content on personal development and online business.

Her content is some of the best in the personal development and online business space, and it has changed my life.

I had a strong desire to give people content they could apply to their own lives to become their highest selves.  So, I really took to Natalie when I saw she had similar aspirations with her business.

When I started my website in October 2018, I chose the personal development niche because I was a student of it myself. I was loving all the positive life changes I was experiencing as a result of implementing the teachings of motivational speakers and authors.

Natalie Bacon over-delivers in value (as she says herself) and I had my eye on her Online Business for Her course for awhile before I took the plunge.

I have previously taken two courses by Create & Go: Launch Your Blog Biz and Pinterest Traffic Avalanche.

These courses are top notch, but I was ready to get a fresh take on online business from a different voice.

In the spring of 2020 during the “stay-at-home” orders, I bought Natalie’s course.

I wanted to take my website from blog to business, but I found myself kind of stuck on my path to get there.

Making a little bit of money from affiliate marketing, I was ready to go all in and learn how to create my own products.

While I’m not there yet, thanks to Natalie’s program, I have a vision for where I’m headed.

Let’s talk about Online Business for Her.

Who is this Program For?

If you want to create an online business and make money by creating and selling your own digital products, this program is for you.

It’s okay if you haven’t started a website or blog yet-Natalie helps get you started with that.

Also, if you’ve already started a website but are feeling “stuck,” this course is 1000% for you.

This is where I was at when I purchased this course-stuck.

Who is this Program NOT For?

Those who aren’t ready to put in the dirty work.

Online business or blogging is not a get-rich-quick scheme. A lot of successful bloggers will have you believing that, but it couldn’t be further from the truth.

Also, this program might not necessarily be for “influencers.”

I say this because Natalie considers herself a business owner, not an influencer.

While she does teach about having a social media presence to cultivate your audience, the emphasis is on building a website, product creation, and marketing.

Which, as you’ll learn shortly, is how you actually make money-not by posting pretty photos on Instagram.

Also, if you don’t believe in spending money on products that will help you create and grow your online business, this program isn’t for you.

Is it possible to build a successful online business without spending some money?

Not really.  

At a minimum, you need to pay for hosting, email marketing, and a few other basic expenses.

But if you don’t purchase quality products that will teach you everything you need to know to build a profitable business, you’re either not serious enough about it or you’re going to waste hours just searching for answers.

By ignoring the programs available that will help you create a successful online business, you also limit yourself from the marketplace, which you need to fully immerse yourself in to get good at marketing (which is a must if you want a successful online business-period).


This course is in video format, and every section has a workbook you can print off.

You can also listen via audio.

The program is unique in that it is divided into three main sections: The Who, The What, and The How.

No other program on online business has this format.

There is also a before section, an after section, and a bonus section.

Course Sections

Before: Prep Work

In the “Before” section, Natalie gives you an introduction to the program.

She also drops the biggest truth-bomb regarding business:

Profitability > Popularity

A business’ success is measured by profitability.

This may seem like a no-brainer to some.

But if you’ve studied online business, blogs, and social media marketing, many people believe influencers with hundreds of thousands of followers make buku bucks when most of them actually don’t.

Your success isn’t measured in how many followers or likes you get-it’s measured based profitability.

The “Before” section of the program might actually be my favorite section.

This section is full of modules to help get your mindset and work ethic in the right place before you begin.

As Natalie says in this section of the program, building a successful online business is 80% mindset and 20% tactical.

She also teaches you how to self-coach and how to work the program so you can be successful with your online business.

The module on time-management is also spectacular.

You must get good at time-management to give your online business the attention it needs to succeed.

The workbook for this section is great because it helps you brainstorm a 12-month plan, think about your online business dreams and goals, and get it all down on paper.

You can also practice the CTFAR coaching method she talks about in the workbook as well.

Part 1: WHO

The “Who” section is all about your target audience and client avatar.

In order to run a successful online business, you need to know who your client avatar is and everything about her.

An important takeaway from this section is that your niche and positioning must be a match with your client avatar.

As an example:

If your client avatar is a 45-year old mom who shops at Walmart, your positioning and niche must match that in order for your online business to work.

In this case, selling high-end ePrograms wouldn’t be a good idea.

You must be able to solve her problems, be obsessed with getting to know her, and be trustworthy and relatable.

This section was so helpful to me because I realized my niche was a little vague and that I needed to get more specific with my niche and definitely with my positioning.  I now have a plan to reconcile this.

In this section, Natalie also teaches you how to set up your website.

She provides all the resources you’ll need to get set up.

Part 2: WHAT

In this section, Natalie covers the types of products or services you can create and sell to your client avatar.

She teaches you how to create an online course, program, or eBook, as well as how to sell your products and create sales pages.

Again, she provides all the resources for this.

Part 3: HOW

In the “How” section, Natalie teaches you about marketing, sales funnels, getting traffic, creating content, email marketing, copy writing, and more.

She teaches you how to get…

  • Strangers to find you (getting traffic).
  • People to trust you (content).
  • Subscribers to your email list (with freebies).
  • People to buy from you (selling products).

After: Evaluate

In the “Evaluate” section, Natalie teaches you how to track your progress and figure out what’s working and what’s not.

She also teaches you how to scale your business.


The “Bonus” section contains bonus lessons on funnel-hacking, creating energy, legal pages, and more!  I have to say this was a really sweet send-off to close out the program.

Pros of Online Business for Her

Each section comes with its own printable workbook.

I greatly benefited from these workbooks.

Putting your thoughts and ideas on paper and creating a plan for your business is very important.

Also, I appreciated the multi-format options in this program. It is mainly in video format but also audio files. Not to mention the workbooks.

Most of all, Natalie is so fun and engaging to listen to.  I really enjoy her and her content. The first time I took this program, I took a ton of notes.

I’m making my way through a second time to ensure I’m implementing every step to set my website up for long-term success.

The Cons of Online Business for Her

Honestly, I really can’t think of any!  This is the best program on online business I’ve taken.

If I think of anything, I’ll edit this section.

Should You Buy Online Business for Her?

If you want to start a website or blog and want to make money online selling your own products, YES!

But ONLY if you’re all in and committed to put in the work.

Get Online Business for Her here.

I hope you love it as much as I do.

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Hi! I'm Lisa. I help women live purposeful, fulfilling and joyful lives. I'm happily married and a fur mom to two boxers and two rabbits. I love Jesus, freelance writing, fitness, personal development, reading books, football, cross-stitching, and video games.

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