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How to start a blog and make money.

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Is the confusion of conflicting information on the internet keeping you from starting your blog?

Or maybe you’re overwhelmed by the plethora of information out there and you’re not sure where to begin.

I know exactly where you’re coming from, because I was in your shoes not so long ago.

It was my dream to start a blog, but every time I did research, I just got confused and overwhelmed, thinking maybe I just wasn’t cut out to create a profitable blog.

Turns out, I was wrong!

How I Got Started

I wanted to start a blog, but the information on the web was so conflicting.

Reading the mixed reviews of top blog hosting providers confused me.

I read books on blogging, all of which pointed me in different directions as to what the best website hosting company was.  They all cost money, and I didn’t want to blow my money on an untrustworthy hosting site.

Having no clue how to get started and set my blog up for success like so many of the successful blogs I’d seen,  I knew I needed someone to teach me what the right steps were to get started.

Because I didn’t have that, I shelved the whole blogging dream for several months.

When I decided to give my dream another chance, I was perusing Pinterest one day when I discovered Create & Go and the Launch Your Blog Biz course.

how to start a blog and make money

But first, I spent some time reading the articles on Create & Go’s website, before taking the plunge.

I wanted to learn what they were about, to see if they were legit.

As I got to know the creators and saw the amazing testimonials behind their products, I learned the value of this course was far greater than its price tag.

Having someone tell me exactly what I needed to do and set me up for success, without wasting countless hours aimlessly searching for information, was priceless to me.

Now, as I’m writing this, my blog has been live for a year now, and I’m getting the results I wanted!

It’s such a great feeling seeing my blogging dream become reality, and there is a sense of pride in knowing I created it myself and seeing how far I’ve come.

I’m not that confused and overwhelmed person anymore-I’m actually doing this.

About the Course

Alex and Lauren tell you exactly what to do and how to do it.

You get everything you need to launch your blog within 30 days and monetize your website to make your first 1k a month blogging.

Plus, you’ll also gain access to a private Facebook support group where you can get your questions answered.

Create & Go also regularly update their courses and you have lifetime access to the course and all the updates as well.  This is important as trends in the blogging industry fluctuate.

What the Course Entails

One of my favorites from this course was the one-month checklist PDF they provide.  It’s a very helpful tool to stay on track with launching your blog in a timely manner.

They also provide their favorite resources, many of which are surprisingly free. This is helpful when you are first starting out and not seeing a return on your investment yet.

You’ll also receive a list of the essential plug-ins you need to get started is provided, most of which are free.

Learn the basics of WordPress through tutorials of the best paid and free theme options for your blog. This aids in helping you design your blog.

You’ll love the tutorials on blog design-they help so much.

There is also a lesson on how to use Canva (a free service) to create unique images for your blog and Pinterest pins.  This is a drag-and-drop type program and no graphic design experience is needed.

You’ll learn how to get started with email marketing with their tutorials on paid and free email marketing services.  Also, learn how to write emails and get your first subscribers.

Learn how to write amazing headlines and content with their course module on writing blog posts that attract viewers.

You’ll also learn how to get started monetizing your blog with Amazon Associates, ads, and affiliate marketing. They’ll teach you how to create a monetization strategy.

Also, they teach you how to get started on driving free, organic traffic to your blog with Pinterest!

Bonus lessons from their Pinterest Traffic Avalanche and Six-Figure Blogger courses are also included.

Check out the full rundown of the course modules here.

About the Course Creators

You can read Alex and Lauren’s full story here.

They went from broke and frustrated to making six-figures a month with their two blogs.  They are transparent about the blogging journey and the struggles and failures experienced along the way.

Another thing I love about Alex and Lauren aside from their transparency is their honesty in the products they recommend.  They only recommend products they personally use and truly love.  Most businesses teaching blogging do not have good intentions in the products and services they push-they just want to make a quick buck.

Is the Launch Your Blog Biz Course Right for You?

Chances are, you’re thinking, “can’t this information be found on the web by Google search?”

It would take piecing tiny bits of information from hundreds of sources and wasting countless hours to come remotely close to equating to the quick and easy assistance of the Launch Your Blog Biz course.

So, if you want to start a blog, but haven’t because of the mess of conflicting information on the internet, this course is for you.

You might be hesitant about spending money on a course (I know I was).  Create & Go has a return policy for unfulfilled customers who didn’t receive the results they were expecting.

But I think you’ll find this course is worth every penny, and more.

Don’t waste any more time being confused and conflicted with the information on the internet or delaying your dream.

Starting a blog shouldn’t be so hard, and thankfully, with Launch Your Blog Biz, it doesn’t have to be.

Get the Launch Your Blog Biz course here.

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Hi! I'm Lisa. I help women live purposeful, fulfilling and joyful lives. I'm happily married and a fur mom to two boxers and two rabbits. I love Jesus, freelance writing, fitness, personal development, reading books, football, cross-stitching, and video games.

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