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5 foundations for success.

Behind the scenes of every successful person are the five foundations that made them that way.

These are the foundations for success that separate successful people from the rest of us.

Hint: Not one of these foundations entails the actual work involved to be successful.

Rather, these make up the core of how you must operate in order to excel from ordinary to extraordinary.

5 Foundations of Success

Get Healthy

Preparing for success is just as much about getting healthy from the inside out and staying healthy as it is about the actual work involved.

Sure, there are plenty of unhealthy people who are successful.

But physical health is equally important to mental health and being unhealthy will hinder you in some way.

In fact, physical health directly influences mental health.

If I miss a workout in the morning, it greatly impacts my productivity and mood.

It feels as though I missed my morning cup of coffee-the effects are that severe.

When you implement a healthy lifestyle into your routine, your chances of success increase tenfold.

Here are some ways you can improve your health:


I remember getting stopped in the hall by someone at my former job.  She told me I was skinny already and didn’t need to work out.

Sadly, this lady completely misses the point of exercise.

The benefits of exercise far exceed weight loss.

It provides mental clarity, releases toxins, builds up your stamina, and keeps your heart healthy.

Exercise is so much more than a tool for weight loss.

You don’t have to have money or be a bodybuilder to get adequate exercise.

If walking for 20 minutes around the block is all you can do, then go for a walk!

The goal is to move your body every day and make it a habit.



Equally important to exercise is nutrition, and once again, the benefits go beyond weight loss.

You cannot put crap in your body and expect to feel energized and motivated.

I eat the same things almost every day, and there’s a reason for that.

A salad, full of several kinds of veggies, a plant-based protein (I’m vegetarian) and usually a sprinkling of pumpkin seeds with a small side of fruit make up my lunch.

It’s been years since I caved in to the office doughnuts.

I’d eat a doughnut and get the worst brain fog-no thanks!

To stay on top of your game, eat clean as much as possible. Especially during working hours.

And don’t forget to drink half your body weight in water daily to stay hydrated.


Try giving your body a reset by forgoing one of your vices for 21 days.

For you, that might be soda pop, wine, cookies, or chips.

Whatever it is, give it up for 21 days and take note of the positive effects on your body.

Chances are, you won’t want to go back to your vice when you notice how much better you feel without it.


You need to get adequate sleep for your brain to function at its maximum potential.

Figure out how many hours of sleep your body needs (everyone is different).

Go to bed and wake up at the same time every day-even on weekends.


A grateful heart is a happy heart.

Every day, take time-even if it’s only 5 minutes-to proclaim or write down everything you’re thankful for.

I have a list in the back of my journal that starts with, “Thank You Jesus that…” and then there are a list of things that haven’t happened yet that I’m speaking of as if they already happened.

Whether you do this practice or simply say thanks for all the good in your life, practice gratitude daily.

It’s hard to be grumpy, stressed out and unmotivated when you’re grateful for what you already have.


Get Organized

“Your home should rise up to meet you.” ~Oprah Winfrey

I am an obsessive-compulsive neat-freak.

Sometimes, it drives my husband crazy.

(It’s really bad…)

If my house is not orderly and clean in the way I need it to be, I can’t function properly in other areas of my life.

For you, it may not be that serious (and I hope for your sake it’s not).

But you are hindering yourself by having papers piled high on your desk, clutter on the kitchen counter and shelves that haven’t seen a dust rag since you moved in.

The cleanliness of our homes is one of few things in this world we can control.

If your home is not adaptable in the way you need it to be to succeed, you’ll struggle.

It will also constantly be clouding your mind, taking away from everything you’re working toward.

I don’t know about you, but when something in my house is out of order, it stays in the back of my mind and subconsciously affects the other areas of my life.

If you want to un-clutter your mind, de-clutter your house!


Find Your Community

You are the average of the five people you spend the most time with.

If you’re the smartest person in the room, that’s a problem.

It means there’s no one in your circle to learn from.

You need to surround yourself with people who are in positions you wish to aspire to.

People who serve to influence you in your areas of improvement in order to succeed.

If this isn’t possible right now, I suggest finding authors and public speakers who positively influence you and listen to their podcasts, read their books and attend their conferences.

I’m not saying to ditch any of your friends who aren’t into personal growth, aren’t ambitious, or are not in your industry.

Just mind who you keep around and intentionally seek out influencers who will inspire you, support you, and help take you to the level they’re at.



One thing so many unsuccessful people fail to understand is that success is the culmination of good habits practiced day in and day out.

Success doesn’t just happen. It’s not an overnight thing.

You might make a plan to start exercising and eat better in order to lose 10 pounds.

Exercising and eating a salad for dinner one day isn’t going to make you lose 10 pounds.

But exercising and eating a salad for dinner consistently over time will.

You may change your habits and feel like nothing is happening.

And maybe nothing is happening.

But one day, bam!  It finally happens.

Make no mistake-nothing about ditching old habits for good ones is easy.

It’s human nature to want the instant gratification of your bad habit.

There’s nothing I want more than a glass of wine after a stressful day.

But more often than not, I have to exert the discipline not to.

You have to take ownership of your habits and change the ones that don’t serve your goals.

This is the only way you will succeed.

It’s what separates the successful people from the rest of us.


Create A Morning Routine

Do you hit snooze 7 times before rolling out of bed?

Maybe you only hit snooze 3 times but then you lay there and scroll through social media for a half hour.

If this is you, your daily routine is on life support and it’s preventing you from reaching your potential.

You must plan your morning routine based on the kind of day you want to have.

If you own your morning, you’ll own your day.

You need to get up early (the time varies depending on your schedule, but it’s recommended to get up three hours before you’re supposed to be at work.)

Develop a morning routine that is right for you.  Carve out time for yourself.

I spend time reviewing my goals and journaling.

For me, it’s important to keep what I’m working toward at the forefront of my mind, so that means reviewing my goals daily.

Otherwise, I’ll forget about them and no action will be taken to achieve them.

Then, I work out for 45 minutes.  I use the treadmill to speed walk on an incline, and while I’m sweating it out, I read a book.

My routine may not be for you, but you do need to create one that supports what you’re working toward.

Protect that time.


Final Note

If you want to improve your life, adapt to these five foundations.

Success is the sum of small habits repeated day in and day out.

These foundations determine the quality and effectiveness of the work you put in.

They are the core of who you must be to take your life from ordinary to extraordinary.

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Hi! I'm Lisa. I help women live purposeful, fulfilling and joyful lives. I'm happily married and a fur mom to two boxers and two rabbits. I love Jesus, freelance writing, fitness, personal development, reading books, football, cross-stitching, and video games.

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