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In this article, I’m giving you 7 tips to stay motivated.

The Truth About Motivation

The truth of the matter is, most people don’t stay motivated because their heart isn’t truly 100% all-in to what they claim they want to do.

We all know that person with the bad habit who says they’re going to lose weight or quit smoking.

For the 20th year in a row…

And, as you probably guessed, this person ends up not sticking to their claim.  A few weeks later, you catch them smoking or eating a Big Mac.

Sure, they probably do want to quit smoking or lose weight.

But they just don’t want it bad enough.

They lack the discipline needed to get the results they desire.

However, I don’t think this is the only reason people fail to stay motivated.

Some people just aren’t equipped with the tools to stay motivated, and that makes all the difference in the world between wishing and doing.

Do you ever look at someone doing what you want to do and think, “I wish I could be that motivated”?

Well, you can!

Staying consistently motivated isn’t just for select people who get lucky and go on to achieve great things.

It’s for YOU, too.

When I learned and implemented the following tools into my daily routine, my resolve to see my goals achieved grew tenfold.

Here are my 7 tips to stay motivated.

7 Tips to Stay Motivated

Set Goals

I’ve talked about it a billion times (and you can read my article How to Set Goals & Achieve Them), but you must set goals.

If you don’t know exactly what you want, how are you going to get there?  You have to see the beginning from the end result and work backwards.

“An intelligent plan is the first step to success.  The man who plans knows where he is going, knows what progress he is making and has a pretty good idea when he will arrive.  Planning is the open road to your destination.” ~Basil S. Walsh

Setting goals = planning.

Not only do you need to set goals, but then you need to write them down and review them daily.

They also need to be specific, measurable, attainable, relevant and time-bound (S.M.A.R.T. goals).

You need goals to have clarity and focus on exactly what it is you’re going to do.

Or you’re never going to see it through.

Remember: Clarity and Focus are key here.

You need both of these to make dreams happen.


Listen to Personal Development Podcasts

I’m subscribed to several podcasts on iTunes, and I love discovering new ones!

My days of listening to the radio in the car are over, because podcasts have taken over.

When you implement motivational podcasts into your daily routine, you’ll stay motivated consistently.

It’s hard to fall off track when you have Tony Robbins in your ear inspiring you to live your dreams on the daily.

When I found myself listening to podcasts on a daily basis, I started to see change in my daily routine.

You can read my list of favorite personal development podcasts here.

Read Personal Development Books

In the same vein as listening to motivational podcasts, personal development books changed my routine and changed me.

I’ve always been a big reader.  I’m always reading one, if not two, books. But until the last few years, I rarely read a personal development book.

When I started reading them consistently, I noticed a change in my attitude.  I was happier, more positive, and more productive.

Things that seemed impossible to me, suddenly became entirely possible.

I overcame some serious mental roadblocks that were keeping me from going after my dreams.

What you think about, you bring about.  And reading about personal development kept what I was learning at the forefront of my mind, long after I was finished reading.

Personal development reading (or audio books) will turn that switch on in your brain that says, “you can do it!”

Even more than that, they’ll give you the tools and best practices to use to achieve your goals and live your dream life.

Learning = growing =motivation.

Check out my favorite personal development books here.

Establish a Morning Routine

You have to start your morning off with intention.

Hitting snooze or rolling over to grab your phone off the nightstand to check your social media isn’t living with intention.

In fact, these are some of the worst things you can do to start your day (read more on that here).

You cannot start your morning scrolling though social media (aka focusing on other people’s lives) and expect to be motivated to focus on your own life.

Establish a morning routine that sets you up for success.

Get up at the same time every day (even weekends) and spend time reviewing your goals and what you have scheduled for that day.  Read, work out, pray, journal.

The choice is yours.

Set yourself up for success with a rockin’ morning routine.


Attend Conferences

Not only do conferences build you up and motivate you, but you learn from the best of the best.

I used to think conferences were only for outgoing, type A people (the type of person I am definitely not!)

But I was wrong.

I’ve since gone to some life-changing conferences that completely altered the course of my life.

Conferences are also a great way to step outside your comfort zone and meet new people in your niche and make connections.

Find out if your favorite motivational speaker is speaking at a conference near you, and make plans to attend.

Surround Yourself with the Right People

“You’re the average of the five people you spend the most time with.” ~Jim Rohn

Who makes up your inner circle?  Are they motivated, successful people?  Or are they living on the fringes of society, no desire to improve their life?

Do they support your dreams or do they doubt your dreams?

I’m not saying you should up and ditch your friends. And I realize some people go through seasons of hardship, where they’re doing all they can to make it.

What I am saying is to keep toxic people at arm’s length.  Depending on how toxic, you may need to cut ties completely.

Keeping toxic people close impacts you more than you realize.  They will only serve to bring you down.

Keep positive-minded, abundance-thinking people close-including those who have reached the success you desire. They’ll motivate you to achieve great things, and they’ll support your dreams 100%.

You can read more about how toxic people can harm your success here.

Sign Up for Encouragement

Nobody likes junk mail.

I’ve unsubscribed from so many companies because who has time to click and delete emails that don’t provide value?

On the flip side, I’m subscribed to my favorite motivational speakers and entrepreneurs, and I look forward to receiving their emails.

It’s such a boost to open up my email and see a new encouraging message from them.

Make checking your email an intentional, positive part of your day.

Sign up for encouraging messages from your favorite people, and don’t forget to follow them on all their social media platforms.

Final Note

You have to be intentional about staying motivated.

Follow the above tips and watch your mindset and routine change.

Watch your life change.

I hope you enjoyed my 7 tips to stay motivated.  What are your favorite tips to stay motivated? Let me know in the comments below!

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Hi! I'm Lisa. I help women live purposeful, fulfilling and joyful lives. I'm happily married and a fur mom to two boxers and two rabbits. I love Jesus, freelance writing, fitness, personal development, reading books, football, cross-stitching, and video games.

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