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The Best Personal Development Podcasts
The Best Personal Development Podcasts Personal development podcasts have greatly impacted the results I’m seeing in my life now. The amount of positive change in my life and the results I’ve seen have exponentially increased as a result of...
How to Make Exercise a Habit in 6 Steps
How to Make Exercise A Habit in 6 Steps “Whatever the mind can conceive and believe, it can achieve.” ~Napoleon Hill Exercise is a vital component of personal development. It affects not only your physical health, but your mental health as...
9 Questions to Ask Yourself to Find Your Purpose
9 Questions to Ask Yourself to Find Your Purpose “There are two great days in a person’s life: the day you were born, and the day you discover why.” ~John Maxwell Having clarity of your purpose and your "why" plays a major role in living an...
The 5-Step Mid-Year Plan to Achieve Your Goals
The 5-Step Mid-Year Plan to Achieve Your Goals If you’re behind where you hoped to be at this time this year, it’s not too late to see your goals achieved. I have a plan to help you estimate where you currently stand and how you can improve...
7 Reasons You’re Not Successful
7 Reasons You're Not Successful Behind every unsuccessful person is something keeping them from the success they desire. You’re not successful if you’re not where you ideally see yourself in life. Success isn’t based on your past, financial...
10 Ways to Improve Your Self-Image
10 Ways to Improve Your Self-Image Your self-image-the way you view your self-is directly tied to the results in your life. Before you can see change, your thoughts have to align with your future self, and that all starts with your self-image....
10 Habits of Unsuccessful People
10 Habits of Unsuccessful People Your daily routine is comprised of your daily habits, and your daily routine is what determines the outcome of your life. Are your habits setting you up to lead a fulfilling and successful life, or an...
How to Plan Your Week
How to Plan Your Week “Most people don’t lead their life, they accept their life.” ~John Maxwell I’m betting you have at least a few acquaintances who believe life dealt them their cards and now they’re stuck playing them. They think the...
How to Stop Feeling Overwhelmed
How to Stop Feeling Overwhelmed Do you feel you’re overwhelmed on a day-to-day basis and never have enough time for yourself? Have you settled for a life of overwhelm and believe it’s just the way life is? Do you feel burned out, but you’re...
5 Ways to Increase Your Energy
5 Ways to Increase Your Energy The dictionary defines energy as the exertion of power. But there's more to energy than working out or having a cup of coffee in the morning. Your energy is determined by many factors, including your habits,...